before I stall again ...
I love books and reading and more reading. Why? Because I kind of find this world boring and so limited and ... booring. Books take me on a ride to amazing places and amazing people and into totally different universes. I am no longer limited in this human experience and this kind of totally weak human body with all its aches and pains.
I really want to shift shape. NOW. I really want to run through forests as a wolf. I KNOW how it feels. I KNOW! If I just think about it, I can feel it. The wind in my fur as I rush through the forest, the soft flex of the earth under my paw. The forest floor isn't totally stiff and hard like it feels as a human, it gives. The whole perspective is different, the colors and the smells, the sounds come from a different angle, ... the hearing is better, the smells are more intense and the colors are different. I can feel how my muscles move in my body while moving through the forest. This is totally normal for me, like an every day normal thing to do. Go out and shift and run ... or fly ... or swim. I can shift into everything I want to. Some like wolf or dolphin are more familiar than others but all kinds of shapes are possible.
One way to ease the longing is reading books with shape shifters. There are quite a few but only some I really like. I'd move universe and never look back to Nalini Singh's Psy/Changeling here, now and forever. She is my absolute favorite writer. Can I go on vacation there? I'll stay also, no problem, if it's for security/secrecy reasons. Or whatever reason I don't care, as long as I can stay there. Pleeeeeease?
Now I can give in to frustration or get a book from the shelf to help me forget about needing to shift.
Sonntag, 29. Juni 2014
before I forget it ...
no self, this is not about forgetting. There is a wall I run into, tension that's building and doesn't have an outlet. I get the wave rolling and it smashes into that block and dies. After excitement comes devastation and sadness and no manifestation or creation. I never ever run into a wall with darkness or pain or illness. They flow freely indeed.
Well, I learned the hard way to protect everything that is impotant to me. If I don't want it crushed I have to keep it a secret. This is not exactly secret.
I could write about dark stuff forever without stalling. It doesn't matter to me and I forget it anyway. It's on the delete roll already. The things I want to keep, the emotions I want to feel, I can talk about this to some people, very few actually. I can't get it onto the screen. My fingers don't follow my commands and nothing happens. No words appear on screen.
grrrr ... forget this for now, but I am coming back!
no self, this is not about forgetting. There is a wall I run into, tension that's building and doesn't have an outlet. I get the wave rolling and it smashes into that block and dies. After excitement comes devastation and sadness and no manifestation or creation. I never ever run into a wall with darkness or pain or illness. They flow freely indeed.
Well, I learned the hard way to protect everything that is impotant to me. If I don't want it crushed I have to keep it a secret. This is not exactly secret.
I could write about dark stuff forever without stalling. It doesn't matter to me and I forget it anyway. It's on the delete roll already. The things I want to keep, the emotions I want to feel, I can talk about this to some people, very few actually. I can't get it onto the screen. My fingers don't follow my commands and nothing happens. No words appear on screen.
grrrr ... forget this for now, but I am coming back!
mourning project
before I forget it ...
in the flow of the soul retrieval I realised that I wasn't just sick at age 6 with a virus, it really changed me, a lot. I DIED. My body obviously survived and some soul aspects stayed too. I asked myself what I lost. EVERYTHING. MYSELF. my present. my future. my love. my light. my being. ME. It totally fits with the aspect my friend met at the soul retrieval: a hollow empty shell child playing at a riverbank. It looks ok from the outside, but it is empty. It has no life. It's more an object, a thing like a wardrobe. It has no desires, no needs, no feelings, no emotions, NO NOTHING! It is obviously safe from being hurt as it can't feel anything! AND it is the perfect kid for busy care takers because it is low-maintenance. It plays by itself forever, doesn't need any attention, any care. It's almost invisible so easy and light, more like a ghost, but surely no burden.
So I decided to actually mourn the loss of myself. Mamalita told me about a project Clarissa Pinkola Estés who wrote "Women Who Run With the Wolves" did with a group of women: sewing patchwork dresses as a ritual of mourning. I don't like sewing, but I can knit and crochet. I decided to do it as a "one granny square a day" project. I haven't crocheted for a while, so those are the getting into it and warming up results of the first two days.
I also made a little "grave" for my little girl on the balkony yesterday. I just took a terracotta pot, filled it with earth and decorated it with pine cones, sticks, heart shaped stones and sea shells. I'm lighting a candle now.
eager to forget it ...
in the flow of the soul retrieval I realised that I wasn't just sick at age 6 with a virus, it really changed me, a lot. I DIED. My body obviously survived and some soul aspects stayed too. I asked myself what I lost. EVERYTHING. MYSELF. my present. my future. my love. my light. my being. ME. It totally fits with the aspect my friend met at the soul retrieval: a hollow empty shell child playing at a riverbank. It looks ok from the outside, but it is empty. It has no life. It's more an object, a thing like a wardrobe. It has no desires, no needs, no feelings, no emotions, NO NOTHING! It is obviously safe from being hurt as it can't feel anything! AND it is the perfect kid for busy care takers because it is low-maintenance. It plays by itself forever, doesn't need any attention, any care. It's almost invisible so easy and light, more like a ghost, but surely no burden.
So I decided to actually mourn the loss of myself. Mamalita told me about a project Clarissa Pinkola Estés who wrote "Women Who Run With the Wolves" did with a group of women: sewing patchwork dresses as a ritual of mourning. I don't like sewing, but I can knit and crochet. I decided to do it as a "one granny square a day" project. I haven't crocheted for a while, so those are the getting into it and warming up results of the first two days.
2. day and results mourning project |
I also made a little "grave" for my little girl on the balkony yesterday. I just took a terracotta pot, filled it with earth and decorated it with pine cones, sticks, heart shaped stones and sea shells. I'm lighting a candle now.
eager to forget it ...
Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2014
holy objects
before I forget it ....
this are the holy objects of sacrifice and suffering. They are so holy, you can't use them, can't touch them. They are to be treated with reference, being near them is .....
Being precise, they are not MY holy objects of suffering but hyena's holy objects of sacrifize and suffering and not even hyena suffered for them, but her mother. So they are beyond holy to hyena because her mother sacrificed and suffered to pay for them.
Why is suffering making something untouchably worthy?
Are there holy objects of happiness? Holy objects of ease?
Would she treat them with reference if the money had been earned with happiness and ease?
.... Do I have to answer that?
These are my holy objects of play and creativity and creation and ease ...
and another holy object of friendship and fun.
... and I'm gonna make lots more holy objects of laughter and love and light and joy and freedom and abundance. and holy objects of crazy. and .....
... let's forget about the suffering already :-)
this are the holy objects of sacrifice and suffering. They are so holy, you can't use them, can't touch them. They are to be treated with reference, being near them is .....
holy objects of sacrifice |
Being precise, they are not MY holy objects of suffering but hyena's holy objects of sacrifize and suffering and not even hyena suffered for them, but her mother. So they are beyond holy to hyena because her mother sacrificed and suffered to pay for them.
Why is suffering making something untouchably worthy?
Are there holy objects of happiness? Holy objects of ease?
Would she treat them with reference if the money had been earned with happiness and ease?
.... Do I have to answer that?
These are my holy objects of play and creativity and creation and ease ...
patch up your tea with native creative |
and another holy object of friendship and fun.
![]() | |
fairy sparkle with native creative |
... and I'm gonna make lots more holy objects of laughter and love and light and joy and freedom and abundance. and holy objects of crazy. and .....
... let's forget about the suffering already :-)
Mittwoch, 25. Juni 2014
to hell and back
before I forget it ...
studying darkness, visiting hell is inevitable. I feel like hell, hell no. Hell is not a feeling, hell is a place, and not an anarchic place at that. Just like the tarot card devil in motherpeace tarot deck it is a hierarchical place with one male ruler. There is only one power in hell. THE DEVIL. Devil reigns hell.
Humans are afraid to go to hell after life is over, but hell isn't some far away place. Hell is here and you only need to decide: THIS IS HELL! and you are right there. You made it your reality right here and now. At least that is what I did.
I had dreams, visions, perceptions, etc. about darkness, malevolence, violence, ... and a male person, always a man. I have been thinking about the meaning of that for years, interpreting it in different ways, clearing whatever I could come up with that it means.
Just yesterday I made the connection with the help of the latest dream. In the dream the man wanted me to be his wife and when I started to weep and tell him, that I missed him he said: "shut up and listen!" So I clearly decided NO, if I can't leave, I'd rather die. I will not submit to his reign.
In the vision I walked into a dark cathedral where people were on their knees worshipping a man, a king sitting in the front. Next to him was an empty chair and I knew I was there to become his wife. I stopped in front of him, looked at him and said: "YOU ARE NOT MY KING". I turned around and left. Outside I saw a simple man sitting on the steps with golden hair and I knew, this was the real king. The one inside the building was only a servant. I sat next to the "beggar king" and said: "they just tried to sell me the wrong king."
That's how easy it is! I don't have to stay and die anymore. I can leave anytime and he can't stop me. "You are not my king" means I don't give my power away, I don't give him power over me. I am my own king. I am the most powerful being in my life, in my universe. I create my life and my universe. I AM THE KING.
Devil will be the king of hell and hell will exist as long as humans need it to exist, as long as they give their power away. As long as one person believes darkness wins over light and love. If anyone wants to experience that, fine with me. But I don't have to stay there with them. I can move out and I did. I realised I much rather enjoy heaven. So I decided to create my life from the template of heaven and call it heaven from now on.
already on forgetting it ...
studying darkness, visiting hell is inevitable. I feel like hell, hell no. Hell is not a feeling, hell is a place, and not an anarchic place at that. Just like the tarot card devil in motherpeace tarot deck it is a hierarchical place with one male ruler. There is only one power in hell. THE DEVIL. Devil reigns hell.
Humans are afraid to go to hell after life is over, but hell isn't some far away place. Hell is here and you only need to decide: THIS IS HELL! and you are right there. You made it your reality right here and now. At least that is what I did.
I had dreams, visions, perceptions, etc. about darkness, malevolence, violence, ... and a male person, always a man. I have been thinking about the meaning of that for years, interpreting it in different ways, clearing whatever I could come up with that it means.
Just yesterday I made the connection with the help of the latest dream. In the dream the man wanted me to be his wife and when I started to weep and tell him, that I missed him he said: "shut up and listen!" So I clearly decided NO, if I can't leave, I'd rather die. I will not submit to his reign.
In the vision I walked into a dark cathedral where people were on their knees worshipping a man, a king sitting in the front. Next to him was an empty chair and I knew I was there to become his wife. I stopped in front of him, looked at him and said: "YOU ARE NOT MY KING". I turned around and left. Outside I saw a simple man sitting on the steps with golden hair and I knew, this was the real king. The one inside the building was only a servant. I sat next to the "beggar king" and said: "they just tried to sell me the wrong king."
That's how easy it is! I don't have to stay and die anymore. I can leave anytime and he can't stop me. "You are not my king" means I don't give my power away, I don't give him power over me. I am my own king. I am the most powerful being in my life, in my universe. I create my life and my universe. I AM THE KING.
Devil will be the king of hell and hell will exist as long as humans need it to exist, as long as they give their power away. As long as one person believes darkness wins over light and love. If anyone wants to experience that, fine with me. But I don't have to stay there with them. I can move out and I did. I realised I much rather enjoy heaven. So I decided to create my life from the template of heaven and call it heaven from now on.
already on forgetting it ...
Dienstag, 24. Juni 2014
study groups
before I forget it ....
yeah. I guess they are the same as soul families, but study group is what their purpose is. It is just like in school when several people work together in a group to get an assignment done. For the next assignment they form new groups. Study groups aren't "for life" as soul study groups aren't "for existence", while human families are still unescapable and a "for life" sentence. We ascribe soul families and our human birth families motives and meaning that are not true for me.
I chose my human birth family for study reasons. I have been incarnating with them again and again to learn, but I haven't been incarnate on earth for a while. I did not need to, because I had finished the assignment. In other words, I had cleared all my karma. So when earth's call for awakening and assistance came, I answered. I came back to earth on my own free will and to assist in awakening earth. I chose my human birth family as a means to get down into the darkest dark. Just like Yeshua did, walk through the dark. I took on the karma of that whole human birth family to drag me down into the bowels of darkness. IT HURT. It still hurts because that darkness is not mine.
Now imagine a study group where most are on the second floor of a highrise and I am on the 36th floor. Communication for one is close to impossible. I hardly ever understood why they did what they did. It just made no sense to me, as my actions did not make any sense to them. We are obviously not compartible nor are we productive on getting the assignment done. I am no help in their assignment and they already fullfilled their purpose for my assignment. I no longer need to walk through darkness or study darkness. I finished my assignment. I came out on the other side, I forged a path. I tried to protect them, help them, support them, drag them along, show them that there is another way but they are not ready yet. They are where they are as I am where I am and all is well. It is as it should be.
But I don't have to stay with them. I can go on and join an new study group, a group studying happiness, love and health or whatever I like.
I am more than ready to forget assignments and darkness ....
yeah. I guess they are the same as soul families, but study group is what their purpose is. It is just like in school when several people work together in a group to get an assignment done. For the next assignment they form new groups. Study groups aren't "for life" as soul study groups aren't "for existence", while human families are still unescapable and a "for life" sentence. We ascribe soul families and our human birth families motives and meaning that are not true for me.
I chose my human birth family for study reasons. I have been incarnating with them again and again to learn, but I haven't been incarnate on earth for a while. I did not need to, because I had finished the assignment. In other words, I had cleared all my karma. So when earth's call for awakening and assistance came, I answered. I came back to earth on my own free will and to assist in awakening earth. I chose my human birth family as a means to get down into the darkest dark. Just like Yeshua did, walk through the dark. I took on the karma of that whole human birth family to drag me down into the bowels of darkness. IT HURT. It still hurts because that darkness is not mine.
Now imagine a study group where most are on the second floor of a highrise and I am on the 36th floor. Communication for one is close to impossible. I hardly ever understood why they did what they did. It just made no sense to me, as my actions did not make any sense to them. We are obviously not compartible nor are we productive on getting the assignment done. I am no help in their assignment and they already fullfilled their purpose for my assignment. I no longer need to walk through darkness or study darkness. I finished my assignment. I came out on the other side, I forged a path. I tried to protect them, help them, support them, drag them along, show them that there is another way but they are not ready yet. They are where they are as I am where I am and all is well. It is as it should be.
But I don't have to stay with them. I can go on and join an new study group, a group studying happiness, love and health or whatever I like.
I am more than ready to forget assignments and darkness ....
Mittwoch, 18. Juni 2014
soul retrieval
before I forget it ...
I am about to have another soul retrieval, this time about a virus I had at age 6, which changed my life completely. I just wasn't the same after. If I was vibrant and alive before, I was a ghost after, contained and dead. I was a shadow of my former self.
I was unconscious for a few hours, my mother can't remember exactly. I was at the hospital for a while and missed school a lot.
I tried to go there like 7 years ago in a focusing exercise but all I got was unending black.
Now I am having nightmares for days already. I am always a child and mostly at my parents' house.
Soul retrieval is a shamanic "method". In the shamanic world view it is believed, that if you have a traumatic experience, a part of you (now mostly called aspect) will "take" that incapacitating experience away from you so you stay functional. The part that leaves with that incapacitating experience stays in that experience. It can not solve/heal/transform/release it by itself. That part of you is frozen in that experience, in the emotions of that experience. to release it from its frozen state, it has to come back to you. By coming back, it brings all of that experience with it, all the emotions, feelings, everything that it took away in the first place. Why you want that part back? Because each part has an ability and with it leaving, you lost that ability.
The shaman is the second stage of healing. After an traumatic incident comes the medicin man and deals with the body. When the body is healed the shaman comes and deals with the soul aspects. After that the patient is understood as "healed". Shamanic tradition says only shamans can bring back aspects and lost soul parts with the exception of a blessed moment of GRACE, when it happens by itself.
Just to be clear, I am not a shaman and this is how I understand it.
In the last years other "methods" of dealing with lost parts came into being. Most of them use breath as the conduit and it is based and being able to do it yourself and that the lost aspects are ready to come back.
My personal experience over the years is, that the aspects come back by themselves. More like the swarm you and you get swallowed under a wave of them. I had to learn to not let them terrorrize me and I sometimes fall into that trap still. Most of them have been in that place for a very long time and it does not matter if they stay there for a few more now moments. But not all find the way back without help. This is were my friend comes in and helps me.
so, I am ready to forget all this because I will just BE and ENJOY the care of a friend.
I am about to have another soul retrieval, this time about a virus I had at age 6, which changed my life completely. I just wasn't the same after. If I was vibrant and alive before, I was a ghost after, contained and dead. I was a shadow of my former self.
I was unconscious for a few hours, my mother can't remember exactly. I was at the hospital for a while and missed school a lot.
I tried to go there like 7 years ago in a focusing exercise but all I got was unending black.
Now I am having nightmares for days already. I am always a child and mostly at my parents' house.
Soul retrieval is a shamanic "method". In the shamanic world view it is believed, that if you have a traumatic experience, a part of you (now mostly called aspect) will "take" that incapacitating experience away from you so you stay functional. The part that leaves with that incapacitating experience stays in that experience. It can not solve/heal/transform/release it by itself. That part of you is frozen in that experience, in the emotions of that experience. to release it from its frozen state, it has to come back to you. By coming back, it brings all of that experience with it, all the emotions, feelings, everything that it took away in the first place. Why you want that part back? Because each part has an ability and with it leaving, you lost that ability.
The shaman is the second stage of healing. After an traumatic incident comes the medicin man and deals with the body. When the body is healed the shaman comes and deals with the soul aspects. After that the patient is understood as "healed". Shamanic tradition says only shamans can bring back aspects and lost soul parts with the exception of a blessed moment of GRACE, when it happens by itself.
Just to be clear, I am not a shaman and this is how I understand it.
In the last years other "methods" of dealing with lost parts came into being. Most of them use breath as the conduit and it is based and being able to do it yourself and that the lost aspects are ready to come back.
My personal experience over the years is, that the aspects come back by themselves. More like the swarm you and you get swallowed under a wave of them. I had to learn to not let them terrorrize me and I sometimes fall into that trap still. Most of them have been in that place for a very long time and it does not matter if they stay there for a few more now moments. But not all find the way back without help. This is were my friend comes in and helps me.
so, I am ready to forget all this because I will just BE and ENJOY the care of a friend.
what to remember
before I forget it ....
there are things worthy remembering - and things that I need to remind myself of like
there are things worthy remembering - and things that I need to remind myself of like
- this too will pass - like the coulds in the sky, this too will move on.
- I am the queen of my universe, which makes me the only power in my universe.
- I can give that power away, I can also take it back anytime. The acceptance of the other person or thing is not nessessary for it to succeed.
- I created this situation, I can uncreate it.
- My decisions create my reality, well, my past decisions created my now reality. If I don't like my now reality, I can now make different decisions to create a different reality.
- I am a beautiful radiant being. :-)
- I am only responsible for myself, my well being, my happiness.
- Everything will change if I can accept it first. Accept at least that it is right now.
- ....
Montag, 16. Juni 2014
in process - star whatever above head
before I forget it ....
I still have that metal boat covering my "star" on top of my head!
well, up side down boat shaped metal vault more like.
It's anchored inside the skull, the bone.
It does not seem to produce pain.
None of my often used tools have any impact.
protection or blocker?
time or not time to lift yet?
general occurance or mine specially?
focus for now:
all I have to know to release this "boat" is already in me and it will come easily when the time is right.
with that, let's forget it for now.
I still have that metal boat covering my "star" on top of my head!
well, up side down boat shaped metal vault more like.
It's anchored inside the skull, the bone.
It does not seem to produce pain.
None of my often used tools have any impact.
protection or blocker?
time or not time to lift yet?
general occurance or mine specially?
focus for now:
all I have to know to release this "boat" is already in me and it will come easily when the time is right.
with that, let's forget it for now.
reptil consciousness
before I forget it ....
that information has been a while back and I don't much like going back there.
To help you along, just think of a crocodile - a nice huge big hunky adult croco. imagine yourself being one. How do you experience life? What is important? You are a predator, with really big teeth and you need food, other being's energy to sustain your body, your life.
Now when I think back I see it in the cold of my grandfather's eyes - that terrifingly frostbite cold in his eyes. He only knew power and force and needed to scare everyone into doing what he wanted them. He did not have any other way to get what he thought he needed. He only knew violence and inciting violence. He really had no other "game" loaded onto his hard drive.
I heard about some kids, that might fall into this category not because of the violence but their taking everything from their parents. It's the feeling of "you are my sustenance and I'll just swallow you whole.
the thing with them is, they are stuck in their consciousness, in this "I am the strongest meanest predator in the bond and noone can stop me" believe while they are dependent on willing "food". Since the "food" started to say NO, food became harder to find, which makes them more violent. So the "food" is developing, moving on to the next level of consciousness were there is no more predator and food games and the repil energy is actually afraid of being left behind - left behind on the reptil consciousness level while the whole universe moves on.
I had a session with my friend and healer Gabriele on this. She did the yang way by pushing it out of her body and system with a strong conscious push while I had to go the yin way about it and accept help from the cosmic surgeons and others to get it out of my system. The rest of the session I already forgot ...
and let's already forget this too.
that information has been a while back and I don't much like going back there.
To help you along, just think of a crocodile - a nice huge big hunky adult croco. imagine yourself being one. How do you experience life? What is important? You are a predator, with really big teeth and you need food, other being's energy to sustain your body, your life.
Now when I think back I see it in the cold of my grandfather's eyes - that terrifingly frostbite cold in his eyes. He only knew power and force and needed to scare everyone into doing what he wanted them. He did not have any other way to get what he thought he needed. He only knew violence and inciting violence. He really had no other "game" loaded onto his hard drive.
I heard about some kids, that might fall into this category not because of the violence but their taking everything from their parents. It's the feeling of "you are my sustenance and I'll just swallow you whole.
the thing with them is, they are stuck in their consciousness, in this "I am the strongest meanest predator in the bond and noone can stop me" believe while they are dependent on willing "food". Since the "food" started to say NO, food became harder to find, which makes them more violent. So the "food" is developing, moving on to the next level of consciousness were there is no more predator and food games and the repil energy is actually afraid of being left behind - left behind on the reptil consciousness level while the whole universe moves on.
I had a session with my friend and healer Gabriele on this. She did the yang way by pushing it out of her body and system with a strong conscious push while I had to go the yin way about it and accept help from the cosmic surgeons and others to get it out of my system. The rest of the session I already forgot ...
and let's already forget this too.
before I forget it
before I forget it ....
well, people look at me like I am crazy and I feel like I have to defend myself for having burn out without a farm aka working 24/7, 4 kids and a husband. So, maybe it IS time to tell them what I actually did the last 10 years or so. What I experienced over that time and the knowledge I gained. It might be useful to other people walking that road or something similar later on.
Although the main reason for this puplic diary/external memory is not to help me remember it, but to actually let it go. I put a lot of my insights up into my ether mailbox but very view people know about it or will find it consciously when they need it, and that leaves the matter of download unaddressed.
So, here is the short cut to my ether mailbox. .-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-.
just to clarify: surf at own risk.
I am not responsible for what you might see, feel, hear, taste, learn, or expience. I might even have experienced it differently.
Actually as a human you don't need my notes to self or my ether mailbox full of stories, experiences and insights. You don't need that outside help, that library or book. Whatever you need is inside you or comes to you when you need it anyways. But you might feel better having someone with a similar experience to relate to.
on a last note: this is all totally unobjective, unscientific, not proved or anything the like. This is just simply how my mind and emotions interpreted the energies and frequencies in my body and my world. Nothing might be of importance or truth for you. This are the stories of my world, so they are true for me. You have your own stories which make up your world and that is as is should be.
so, let's forget it already :-)
well, people look at me like I am crazy and I feel like I have to defend myself for having burn out without a farm aka working 24/7, 4 kids and a husband. So, maybe it IS time to tell them what I actually did the last 10 years or so. What I experienced over that time and the knowledge I gained. It might be useful to other people walking that road or something similar later on.
Although the main reason for this puplic diary/external memory is not to help me remember it, but to actually let it go. I put a lot of my insights up into my ether mailbox but very view people know about it or will find it consciously when they need it, and that leaves the matter of download unaddressed.
So, here is the short cut to my ether mailbox. .-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-.
just to clarify: surf at own risk.
I am not responsible for what you might see, feel, hear, taste, learn, or expience. I might even have experienced it differently.
Actually as a human you don't need my notes to self or my ether mailbox full of stories, experiences and insights. You don't need that outside help, that library or book. Whatever you need is inside you or comes to you when you need it anyways. But you might feel better having someone with a similar experience to relate to.
on a last note: this is all totally unobjective, unscientific, not proved or anything the like. This is just simply how my mind and emotions interpreted the energies and frequencies in my body and my world. Nothing might be of importance or truth for you. This are the stories of my world, so they are true for me. You have your own stories which make up your world and that is as is should be.
so, let's forget it already :-)
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