before I forget it ...
after I finished the review blog last night, I thought: If I was to create my own world, how would it look like? If I would have the opportunity to create earth right now, how would I do it?
There are really cool things about life on earth, things that make it worth while being here. For one living inside my own creation. Isn't that cool? As I paint the landscape of my life I also simultaneously live inside that landscape. I am the outside the painting "painter" and at the same time inside the painting "explorer". And that exploring and experiencing is not etheric but REAL! That painting is physically manifested and REAL! And changing constantly according to the feedback the explorer gives to the painter. Even the explorer inside the painting is REAL. I have a physically manifested body that lets me experience with all senses.
native creative - diversity |
So, obviously I would keep that.
Buuuut .. yeah, you knew that one was coming :-)
But I would open up the limitations drastically. I create my own world as do you, but still our worlds are very similar. I would allow lots of very different worlds to coexist on earth at the same time. Just like we have different plays on every stage that exists on earth right now. They don't have to play the same play either.
What would I play on my stage?
Well, you might think you are in middle earth because I would not have this stereotype human in my world, but lots of different beings like elves, dwarves, angels, humans with wings, shape shifters, ... giants, dragons, fairies, mermaids, ... blue hair, green skin, webbed feet, whatever, I would do without vampires though :-)
Imagus - elf with dragon |
MAGIC yeah, come on and let's PLAY!!!
I would keep the life style: indoor toilet, warm water, heating and pre-hunted food. Also technology: mobile phones, wifi and water fueled cars and flyers, but I'd make it "natural" with less impact on nature. Kind of back to nature and foward into space. And I'd fuse technology with magic and superpowers.
I would allow mental superpowers like telekinesis and telepathy, emotional superpowers like empathy and also spiritual superpowers. I would allow every being to be powerful in whatever way they are. I just love diversity. It would be so much more interesting walking around seeing the surprises coming my way.
And yes, I would allow instant healing and MIRACLES to be a normal occurance. Next to the slow creation earth does I would also allow the way faster energetic manifestation through intent, focus and magic.
For me, I would just be enjoying myself out there ... running the forests in wolf form, flying the skies in eagle or dragon form, swimming the oceans in dolphin form, walking the roads in human or elf form. I'd be meeting far travelled beings with interesting stories to tell from far far away.
My earth would be a hotspot for space travellers, a hothouse for inspiration and creativity and possibilities, an open and curious place ... with free coffee and cookies for everyone :-)
sam bluebell's coffees |