I had an interesting insight today ... into worm consciousness. It was enlightening really :-)
I had a pillow on the floor representing the worms when I saw them spreading out, wriggling away and some even "wriggled" up my legs. I was standing stiff and watching it happen, but not doing anything. ... It took me a while to remember I have POWER and can say NO. Then they stopped their advance.
I have the choice to say YES or NO or not say anything and that is kind of acceptance by omission and read as a yes.
So, worms can't decide, they don't have a choice. Just like trees don't throw their seeds at a special most nurturing birthing place but spread them the widest they can and hope one falls on a perfect place. Worms do that too. They spread into all directions and keep going til someone says No! Some people are like that too, they keep walking over others and take it as acceptance by omission if no NO comes. Knowing our borders and saying no to trespassers is our responsibility. We are in charge of the door to our lives. It is our responsibility to say YES or NO. But people walking into houses that are not theirs are called burglars and it's a crime. There we don't argue that the owners could have said NO, as they didn't, it was acceptance by omission.
So we knock on people's doors and wait to be invited in but we walk right over their borders? cross
The other thing I learned from the wormeys is that sometimes things come knocking at our doors for no other purpose than for us to say NO. ... I always believed things came into my life for a reason and so I kind of let everything in because ... hey, it came for a reason! Even if it hurt and I didn't want it, there must be some deeper reason behind it that the universe knows but I can't see yet. Like something to see or learn or transform or let go of. ... Never did it occur to me that the deeper reason was for me to use my human consciousness (the one that the worm doesn't have ... yet) and make a CHOICE. YES OR NO? Is this what I asked for? Do I still want this?
YES or NO?
I don't have to dance with everything that comes to my door.
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ask or worm the way in? |