Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014

what I really want

before I forget it ...

"You cannot focus upon unwanted and receive wanted." Esther Hicks.

So, well .. no more fishing in the small-fish-pond.

colorful BIG fish :-)

here it comes ... what I REALLY WANT:
  • peace on earth, I don't care if some people like Thor or Superman find that boring and loose their profession and reason for being. I WANT PEACE - end of story.
  • a hobbit house with garden, a big one with looots of space around it, forests and a river and not too many Hobbitse around. Just me and my house and garden and nature. - and wild animals and spirit animals and air, and looooots of space. - and elfs.  - heaven.
  • FREE TIME ALL THE TIME! I get to do whatever I want whenever I want it.
  • I create what I enjoy, do what I have fun doing and if someone likes it, I give it to them. Likewise if I see something I like, it is given to me. You pay it forward, not back to the person who has given it. Paying forward creates a big never ending flow. Everybody gives and everybody gets what he needs. easy.
  • clearly I also want internet at my hobbit house so I can keep writing my blog :-)
  • and loooots of books.
  • PLAY all the time. and sleep. and playmates. It's more fun playing together. yeah playmates!! 
  • sleeping and resting and breathing and dozing and cosing and day dreaming and laughing! How can I forget laughing! laughing and jokeing and imbing and giggling and ...
  • dancing in the rain and dancing in the dark and dancing together around a fire and dancing earthy polka and dancing sexy salsa and dancing coolio streetdance ...
  • I forgot the motorbike. I sooo want a motorbike. It's like freedom and the wind and the sound and vibration, and the power!!!  - and cool and awe and more awe.
  • shapeshifting I also want that. running through the woods, soaring the winds, and diving and jumping the oceans. Who wants to be stuck in this human form anyway?
  • I guess that is actually all that I want - a big natural house, peace, playmates and all the time to fill it with laughter and creations. That's not much really. 

Just an all time VACATION!!!!!
 see ya there self :-)

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