Mittwoch, 9. Juli 2014


before I forget it ...

when I watch winter sports on TV, they always talk about having a goal and putting everything behind that goal. They talk about hard training, repetitive training until the body does things by instinct. They talk about mental training.

For me observing competitive athletes is full of insights about creativity and manifestation. They all want to win and mostly it becomes reality for only one person. All sure do all of the above, train hard, have the goal of winning and so on.

So why does one win and not the other?
I believe not the best athlete always wins but the best manifestor, the best at creating reality. What creates reality?
  • passion, fun, joy, happiness 
  • believing yourself invincible - like the positive feedback loop of people on the roll. 
  • being able to imagine yourself winning
  • right place and right time
  • and most important: allowing yourself to fail, to do a shitty job, to do it all "wrong".
Have you ever tried to do something outstanding? On the first try? Like paint a piccasso if you never have held a paint brush before? Even if you just wrote a song that turned out to be a raving success, how to write another one? It will only turn out mediocre if you push yourself and put expectations up to high.


native creative from flow magazine

It will make you relaxed and easy and loose and you'll be having fun!
  • sixth, seventh and eighth sense.
Just watch ski racers, they are so focused and concentrated, sooo totally in the zone and not really here. They will probably never admit it or may not even know they are doing it, but the use everything: instinct, intuition, knowing, whatever else there is.
  • letting it happen
There is a time to push yourself and a time to let it happen. You sow the seeds, you water and care, but you can't make the seeds sprout. They will when it is time. You can create the perfect condition for that seed to grow and grow strong. But you can't push it do grow, can't force it to grow. 
cosmea bud
  • forget about it and it will manifest even faster :-)

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