Montag, 4. August 2014

duality versus law of attraction

before I forget it ...

I don't know why and actually it doesn't really matter anyway, but I have been very deeply into the old energy structures, the limitations of life here on earth before the start of the change here on earth. Life on earth meant life in DUALITY, no way around it. The problem with duality is simple. Take a coin as an example, it has two sides, two equal sides, two sides of the same size. The front of the coin can not be bigger or smaller than the back of the coin. Duality is a balance thing, balance between the front and the back of the coin. But it is also balance between the light and the dark. Take Lord of the Rings: They can fight as much as they want, Sauron will always be just as strong/big/present as the "good" side. If you are very happy in a dual system, you will get very bad stuff afterward to balance it. If you shine lots of love and light, you will get lots of hurt and pain to balance it.

The good thing is, we no longer need to live in duality on earth anymore. Now we can choose to be free of duality and live in another system, mostly known as the law of attraction. In this new system the coin has no longer a front and back, now the coin is round: a coin ball. Everything from light, white, grey, blackish, to totally black is possible. You decide what color you want to fill it with. If you focus on good feeling emotions that's what you get. There is no more balancing it with the opposite!! Now we can enhance good things in our life. If you feel good, you will feel better and better and even better. Unfortunately the other way is just as possible. If you focus on worry and lack, that is what you will get more and more of. There is no more balance forced on you. If you want to go all black, that is what you will get. We are now really truely responsible for our lives, true creators, the training wheels are so off :-)

already forgot as I am hammering all my coins into balls :-)

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