Dienstag, 24. Juni 2014

study groups

before I forget it ....

yeah. I guess they are the same as soul families, but study group is what their purpose is. It is just like in school when several people work together in a group to get an assignment done. For the next assignment they form new groups. Study groups aren't "for life" as soul study groups aren't "for existence", while human families are still unescapable and a "for life" sentence. We ascribe soul families and our human birth families motives and meaning that are not true for me.

I chose my human birth family for study reasons. I have been incarnating with them again and again to learn, but I haven't been incarnate on earth for a while. I did not need to, because I had finished the assignment. In other words, I had cleared all my karma. So when earth's call for awakening and assistance came, I answered. I came back to earth on my own free will and to assist in awakening earth. I chose my human birth family as a means to get down into the darkest dark. Just like Yeshua did, walk through the dark. I took on the karma of that whole human birth family to drag me down into the bowels of darkness. IT HURT. It still hurts because that darkness is not mine.

Now imagine a study group where most are on the second floor of a highrise and I am on the 36th floor. Communication for one is close to impossible. I hardly ever understood why they did what they did. It just made no sense to me, as my actions did not make any sense to them. We are obviously not compartible nor are we productive on getting the assignment done. I am no help in their assignment and they already fullfilled their purpose for my assignment. I no longer need to walk through darkness or study darkness. I finished my assignment. I came out on the other side, I forged a path. I tried to protect them, help them, support them, drag them along, show them that there is another way but they are not ready yet. They are where they are as I am where I am and all is well. It is as it should be.

But I don't have to stay with them. I can go on and join an new study group, a group studying happiness, love and health or whatever I like.

I am more than ready to forget assignments and darkness ....

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